Documentation Fee – set fee for paperwork and services.

FICY (Free in/Container yard) — delivery to the container terminal (without loading at the port).

FILO (Free in/Liner out) — loading is carried out at the expense of the sender and unloading is at the expense of the line.

LI-Door (Liner in / Door) — delivery to the client's door (to the specified address).

LIFO (Liner in/Free out) — loading is carried out at the expense of the line, unloading is performed at the expense of the sender.

Wharfage is the established port duty.

Onboard bill of lading is a document certifying the loading of the cargo indicated in the bill of lading onto a ship.

Booking note is a freight agreement, according to which individual consignments of cargo are assigned to the next liner ships based on their schedule. Permanent freight lines register cargo for the next flight or flights in advance.

Delivery Order is a document of title confirmed by the captain of the carrier.

*It is issued by the carrier or consignee. It is Issued in case of partial sale of the goods by the consignee before he accepted the goods at the port of destination. Delivery Order: a document ordering the transfer at the destination port of a part of the transported cargo to another person.

Insured Bill of Lading is a document that includes a transport document and an insurance policy. It confirms the acceptance of the cargo for transportation and insurance for the cargo. .

*It is Issued in case of goods transportation in containers.

Named Bill of Lading is a document that is drawn up in the name of a specific consignee.

*According to a Named Bill of Lading the cargo can be transferred at the destination port only to the consignee in whose name it was issued. The cargo can be issued to another person only when the documents are reissued and in accordance with the established rules for transferring the debt claim.

Bearer Bill of Lading is a document that is transferred in exchange for the cargo.

*It is given upon acceptance of the cargo.

Received for Shipment Bill of Lading is a document that is given upon acceptance of cargo at the port before the carrier vessel arrives at the port.

Claused bill of Lading (“dirty bill of lading”) is a document in which reports of damage to cargo and / or packaging are issued.

Liner is a ship that makes voyages according to a fixed or temporary schedule between two or more ports

Liner Bill Of Lading is a document that is issued by a shipping company or a guarantor on its behalf.

*It is issued for the carriage of cargo on ships run on regular routes in accordance with the approved and published timetable.

Local bill of lading is a document that contains a link to the through bill of lading according to which the goods are accepted for carriage.

*It is taken into account for official purposes when drawing up a port report and is not a document of title..

Order bill of lading or negotiable bill of lading is a document according to which the cargo is transferred to the “order” of the consignor, to the “order” of the consignee, to the “order” of the bank, according to the transfer inscription of the one whose “order” it was drawn up.

*In the case when the order bill of lading does not indicate that it was drawn up by the "order" of the consignee, it is considered that it was drawn up by the "order" of the consignor. Note: “Order” is a message about the person to whom the cargo should be transferred. It is used in the case when the recipient for some reason cannot work with the cargo at the port of destination. For this case an Order Bill of Lading is provided according to which the freight is accepted by the forwarder which is indicated in the document.

Direct bill of lading is a document which certifies shipment between the port of loading and the port of unloading of cargo transported by one vessel.

Combined (group) bill of lading is a document that is issued for several goods owned by different consignees.

Through bill of lading is a document according to which cargo can be transported to another ship in an intermediate port. It covers all cargo transportation from the port of loading to the final port of destination.

*Such options are possible in case when carrier has several regular lines running in different directions or when two carriers have agreed that one picks up the cargo at the port of departure, delivers it to the transshipment port where the second carrier picks it up and delivers it to the port of destination.

In this bill of lading carriers stipulate mutual obligations for the section of the route along which he transported the cargo. Particular attention should be paid to the marks of the transfer of goods from one carrier to another.

Freight rate — the basic freight rate which is modified and supplemented according to the state on the date of the charter.

*It depends on the category of cargo, the distance from the port of loading to the destination as well as the direction. In a situation when the amount of freight is not provided for by the tariff, the parties themselves agree on the freight rate.

Feeder vessel — a vessel of small displacement which has the ability to navigate at relatively shallow depths. These vessels are loaded with containers from liners. Feeders deliver cargo to their ports of destination.

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